Azure Security Center
Is a Monitoring Services that provides threat protection across all Azure Services and On-Premises- Recomendations based in your configurations, resources, networks
- Monitor Security Settings across on-premises and cloud workloads
- Continuosly monitor all services, and perform security assesments to identify potential vulnerabilities
- Machine learning to detect and block malware in VM and services.
- Analyze and identify potential inbound attacks, and help investigate
- Provide just-in-time access control for ports
Forma parte de Center for Internet Security CIS
- Free: Only assestment (evaluación) y recomendation of Azure resources
- Standard: Free + Monitoting, Just-in-Time, ...
- For incident response: Por regla general se aprende a responder una vez sucede. Security Center ayuda con recomendaciones que podemos aplicar durante las fases. Detect, Asses (Evaluar), Diagnose (Diagnóstico)
- For enhance (aumentar) security: Realizando recomendaciones, en función de las políticas definidas.